Continuing Education Policy

As per NAC623A.315 the following policy is set forth by the Nevada State Board of Landscape Architecture to assist in the regulation of Continuing Education Credits and for the renewal of individuals for licensure in the state. Authorized per NRS623A.215 and NAC623A..315 through .3205


To provide for life-long learning as a process of gaining knowledge and learning new skills toward career advancement, enrichment and development throughout one’s life.


  1. Board:  Nevada State Board of Landscape Architecture
  2. Contact Hour:  Each contact hour of Continuing Education Credit shall consist of not fewer than 50 minutes of education. One professional development hour (PDH) is equal to one contact hour. One university quarter credit hour is equivalent to 40 contact hours. One university semester credit hour is equivalent to 45 contact hours. One International Association of Continuing Education and Training (IACET) Continuing Education Unit CEU is equivalent to ten contact hours.
  3. Credit:  One (1) continuing education credit equals 50 minutes of structured educational activity. Half (0.5) continuing education credit equals not less than 25 minutes of structured educational activity.  Self-Structured credit: 1 continuing education credit equals 50 minutes of reading, with written summary.
  4. Educational Activity:  The act of providing and/or receiving education in the subjects directly related to public health, safety, welfare and ethical practice of Landscape Architecture identified herein.
    1. Structured Educational Activity:  Education in a formal structured setting and format.
    2. Self-Directed Educational Activity:  Education in a non-formal setting and format.
  5. License:  Certificate of Registration issued by the Board. (synonym): Licensee/Registrant)
  6. Pre-Approval:  All Continuing Educational Activity submitted for credit shall be approved in advance by the Board and listed in Appendices A and B: Board Approved Sources of Structured and Self-Directed Continuing Educational Credit.
  7. Renewal Cycle: The fiscal year beginning July 01 and ending the following June 30.
  8. Sponsor:  The person, organization, or entity providing the Continuing Education activity.


  1. Maximum number of credits due each renewal cycle:  8 credits.
  2. Structured educational activity:  8 credits maximum.
  3. Self-directed educational activity:  4 credits maximum.
  4. Verification:  Verification of Attendance form will be accepted from the organizations listed in the appendix with the participants Name, Date attended, Topic/Subject and Continuing Education Units attained.
  5. Documentation:  Each licensee shall maintain a record of participation in continuing education required herein as documented proof of compliance. Documentation shall be entered on a form prescribed by the Board. Do not submit with registration renewal. Present the proof of attendance if audited. Further documentation is described in the appendix. Retain records to support Continuing Education Activities for three (3) years after date of renewal.  
  6. CEU Carryover: A registrant who completes more than 8 continuing education units during a fiscal year, not more than 4 continuing education units earned by a registrant during that fiscal year may be carried forward and applied to the requirements for continuing education applicable to the next following fiscal year. A registrant may not carry forward any continuing education units that were completed before the issuance of his or her certificate of registration.
  7. Non-Compliance:  Failure to complete Continuing Education requirement will result in non-renewal of registrant’s license.
  8. Reinstatement of License:  The registrant found deficient in the required number of credits will be given 30 days to make-up the deficiency and report to the board with verification from the accepted organization as to participants Name, Date Attended, Topic/Subject and CE attained. The registrant will be assessed a late fee in the amount of the delinquency fee for renewal of the license.
  9. Appeal:  Registrant may appeal the decision to the Board for a hearing, within 30 days of notice of non-compliance. The decision of the board is final.


  1. A registrant holding an initial certificate of registration issued by the Board, is exempt from the requirements for continuing education for the year in which the certificate of registration was issued and the next following year.
  2. A registrant who serves on active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States for a period of more than 120 consecutive days during a calendar year is exempt from the requirements for continuing education for that calendar year.
  3. The Board may exempt a registrant from the requirements for continuing education if the registrant cannot meet the requirements because of illness, physical disability or undue hardship, as determined by the Board based on documentation provided by the registrant before the date of expiration of the certificate of registration.



Sources of Continuing Education Credits

Board Approved Sources of Continuing Education Credits:

The following sources of Structured and Self -directed Educational Activities are pre-approved but not all inclusive. From time to time, the Board will review, adopt, and add to or remove sources from approved sources and activities lists.

  1. Pre-Approved sources of Structured Educational Activities
    1. Professional Association or Society Conference
      1. American Society of Landscape Architecture Annual Meeting
      2. American Planning Association, National Planning Conference
      3. National Trust for Historic Preservation
      4. National Parks Service in-house educational activities
      5. International Erosion Control Association
      6. International Society of Arboriculture
      7. AIA/NCEES Seminars relating to Landscape Architecture
    2. Landscape Architecture Continuing Education System (LACES)
    3. Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI), SITES
    4. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
    5. Irrigation Association Education Conference
    6. University Classes in the topics of Design (health, safety and welfare)
    7. Community College classes in Design (health, safety and welfare)
    8. University, College or Seminars on Business and Professional Development
    9. Desert Green Seminars
    10. PDH On-Line
    11. Quality Water Efficient Landscape (QWEL) curriculum
    12. Urban Land Institute (ULI)
    13. AEC Daily On-Line
    14. American Planning Association On-line Learning
    15. Hanley-Wood University on-line.
  2. Pre-Approved sources of Self-directed Educational Activities
    1. Research of Landscape Architecture topics for publication
    2. Cooperative Extension on-line classes in landscape & environment
    3. Reading publications and books on Landscape, Environment and Design.
  3. Accepted verification:  See Appendix B for Structured and Self-directed activities.



  1. PARTICIPATION:  Participation in the Continuing Education activity shall be verified, documented and records retained for three (3) years after date of renewal.
  2. VERIFICATION:  Verification shall be provided by the Sponsor of the activity to the participant.
    1. Structured Educational Study:  Accepted verification of attendance in the form of Sponsor’s certificate, record, and documentation from the organizations listed above with the participants Name, Date attended, Topic/Subject and CE attained.
    2. Self-Directed Educational Study:  Registrant shall provide all information on the form supplied by the Board showing the type of activity claimed, Sponsor, mode of delivery, duration, name of author(s), and Continuing Education Credits earned, summary of the topic in 250 words. Such as study or authoring of a scholarly peer-reviewed journal, book, book chapter, or similar document, the document shall contain the following:
      1. Date(s) of the study or research
      2. Title of the Paper, article, or book
      3. An abstract of the paper, article, or book
      4. Number of contact hours of continuing education credit; and
      5. Objectives of the self-study activity
      6. Number of contact hours
  3. DOCUMENTATION:  Each licensee shall maintain documentation as proof of compliance on a form prescribed by the Board, which shows the:
    1. Date of the activity;
    2. Name of the activity provider;
    3. Name of the instructor;
    4. Activity title;
    5. Number of contact hours of continuing education credit; and
    6. Activity objectives.
    7. Certificate of completion or school transcript,
    8. Activity description,
    9. Activity syllabi, or other activity materials.
  4. AUDIT:  Annually, 5% of registrants will be audited for compliance with Continuing Education requirements. Registrants will be randomly selected by license number. The Board will not audit the same registrant in consecutive years, unless prior year(s) indicated a discrepancy or failure to provide required amount of CE’s.
  5. Non-Compliance:  Non-compliance of fulfilling Continuing Education will result in non-renewal of registrant’s license.
  6. Appeal:  Registrant may appeal the decision to the Board for a hearing, within 30 days of notice of non-compliance.  The decision of the board is final.
  7. Exemptions:
    1. A registrant holding an initial certificate of registration issued by the Board, is exempt from the requirements for continuing education for the year in which the certificate of registration was issued and the next following year.
    2. A registrant who serves on active duty in the Armed Forces of the  United States for a period of more than 120 consecutive days during a calendar year is exempt from the requirements for continuing education for that calendar year.
    3. The Board may exempt a registrant from the requirements for continuing education if the registrant cannot meet the requirements because of illness, physical disability or undue hardship, as determined by the Board based on documentation provided by the registrant before the date of expiration of the certificate of registration.



  1. Continuing Education credits are accumulated and awarded on an annual basis during the renewal cycle.
  2. The following maximum limits apply to each renewal cycle.
    1. Teaching:  Three credits may be accepted for teaching in a college or university or for teaching continuing education activities in the field of landscape architecture, provided it is the first time the material was taught.
    2. Authoring:  One credit may be accepted for authoring or study of published papers, articles, or books directly related to the practice of landscape architecture.
    3. Pro Bono Service:  Two credits for providing unpaid professional services to people, groups or organizations for the public betterment of the community, environment or neighborhood.
    4. Mentoring:  One credit may be accepted for mentoring one or more students for one day at the American Society of Landscape Architecture Annual Meeting, mentoring program.
    5. State Board Service:  Two credits may be accepted for membership on a state regulatory board for the practice of landscape architecture.
    6. Professional Board Service:  One credit may be accepted for serving as an elected officer or appointed chair of a committee or organization in a professional society or organization directly related to the practice of landscape architecture.
    7. Government Organization Service:  One credit may be accepted for serving as an elected officer or appointed member of a governmental board or commission directly related to the practice of landscape architecture; two hours may be accepted for serving as an exam grader or on a committee writing exam materials for a professional registration or licensing examination; and
    8. Publishing:  One Credit may be accepted for authoring or study of published papers, articles or books directly related to the practice of landscape architecture.
    9. Self-Directed Education:  The Maximum number of required credits (4) may be accepted for continuing education that is online, distance learning, correspondence course, or home study provided the activity verifies registration and participation in the activity by means of a test or other assessment method including a final summary, individual paper, or individual project which demonstrates that the participant learned the material presented.
    10. Student Service:  One credit hour may be accepted for serving as a juror for student projects.



  1. Continuing Education Activity shall meet the following standards:
    1. The activity shall have an identifiable, clear statement of purpose and defined objective directly related to the practice of landscape architecture and directly related to topics involving the public health, safety, and welfare of landscape architecture practice and the ethical standards of landscape architectural practice.
      1. Health, safety, welfare, and ethical standards as used in this Subsection are defined to including the following:
        1. The definition of "health" shall include aspects of landscape architectural practice that have salutary effects among users of sites, site structures, pedestrian ways, and vehicular facilities that are environmental and affect human health. Examples include all aspects of air quality, provisions of personal hygiene, and use of non-toxic materials and finishes.
        2. The definition of "safety" shall include aspects of landscape architectural practice intended to limit or prevent accidental injury or death among user’s sites, site structures, or construction sites. Examples include safe access and egress within sites and site structures, minimization of slipping/tripping hazards on exterior surfaces, correct proportions and visibility of stairs, safety railings, and accommodations for users with disabilities.
        3. The definition of "welfare" shall include aspects of landscape architectural practice that consist of positive values that may be social, psychological, cultural, spiritual, physical, aesthetic, and monetary in nature. Examples include spaces that afford natural light, natural materials, or views of nature or whose proportions, color, or materials engender positive emotional responses from its users.
        4. The definition of "ethical standards for landscape architectural practice" shall include the ASLA Code of Professional Ethics and as specified in NAC623A.480
        5. Professional and Business Development
    2. The Structured activity shall be completed in the form of any of the following activity types:
      1. In-house programs sponsored by an organization;
      2. Seminar;
      3. Lecture;
      4. Conference;
      5. Training session;
      6. Webinar;
      7. Internet course;
      8. Authoring of an article, textbook, or professional book publication;
      9. Lecturing in or instructing a continuing education course;
      10. Pro-bono service;
      11. Mentoring one or more students;
      12. Membership on a state regulatory board for the practice of landscape architecture;
      13. Serving as an elected officer or appointed chair of a committee or organization in a professional society or organization;
      14. Serving as an elected officer or appointed member of a professional board or commission; or
      15. Serving as an exam grader or on a committee writing exam materials for a professional registration or licensing examination.
      16. Contributes expertise and/or knowledge to community projects and endeavors.
    3. Objectives.  The activity learning objectives shall be clearly stated in activity material.
    4. Faculty.  The activity shall be prepared and presented by individuals who are qualified by education, training, and experience.
    5. Activity provider or sponsor.  The activity shall be approved by, conducted by, or under the sponsorship of one of the following:
      1. An accredited college or university;
      2. A state or federal agency;
      3. A professional association, organization, or company related to the practice of landscape architecture; or
      4. A commercial continuing education provider providing an activity related to the practice of landscape architecture.
    6. The Self-directed activity, such as study or authoring of a scholarly peer reviewed journal article, book, book chapter, or similar document shall contain the following:
      1. The dates of study or research;
      2. The title of the paper, article, or book;
      3. An abstract of the paper, article, or book;
      4. The number of contact hours of continuing education credit; and
      5. The objectives of the self-study activity.
      6. Contact hour. Each contact hour of continuing education credit shall consist of not fewer than 50 minutes of education. One professional development hour (PDH) is equal to one contact hour. One university quarter credit hour is equivalent to 40 contact hours. One university semester credit hour is equivalent to 45 contact hours. One International Association of Continuing Education and Training (IACET) Continuing Education Unit CEU is equivalent to ten contact hours.
Page Updated: 6/10/2024 4:53:43 PM