Nevada State Board of Landscape Architects
Strategic Plan
November 2019 Update
The Process
The Nevada State Board of Landscape Architects (NSBLA) began development of a strategic plan in June 2016. The draft plan was developed and discussed at board meetings through December 2016 at which time it was tabled to devote full attention of the board to address sunsetting, needed Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) revisions and continuing education requirements. In Aug 2019 a board committee was selected to finish the strategic plan. A public meeting for information purposes was held in November 2019 and the strategic plan was officially adopted as board policy at the November 2019 board meeting. This plan will serve as a guide for all board functions and will be updated every three years as necessary.
The mission of the Nevada State Board of Landscape Architects is to regulate the practice of Landscape Architecture protecting the public's health, safety and welfare relative to outdoor spaces, while safeguarding the environment.
The Board will promote a healthier and safer built environment for the state of Nevada through enforcement of the laws governing professional licensure.
The Board will serve Nevadans through regulation of qualified practitioners, education of professionals and the general public, and licensing of new landscape architects.
Strategic Goals
- Ensure that Landscape Architects are qualified to practice by maintaining requirements for education, experience and testing.
- Protect the public through regulation and enforcement of the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) and Nevada Administrative Code (NAC).
- Maintain an office and staff per the requirements of the Attorney General's Office and NRS regulations.
- Keep a current web site for licensee, candidate and public communication.
- Remain proactive and strategic to successfully navigate future legislation that affects the Board.
- Review this strategic plan every three years or as necessary to update, be current and relevant.
Goal 1- Ensure that Landscape Architects are qualified to practice by maintaining requirements for education, experience and testing.
- The Executive Director to review and make recommendations for approval or denial of new applicants to the Board at quarterly meetings.
- The Executive Director to review and approve reciprocal licensees with a Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Board (CLARB) certificate upon receipt without Board approval per the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) and board policy.
Goal 2- Protect the public through regulation and enforcement of the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) and Nevada Administrative Code (NAC).
- Investigate and make decisions with potential penalties for licensee complaints, as required by Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) and Nevada Administrative Code (NAC).
- Modify the statutes and codes in a timely manner to stay current with the practice of landscape architecture.
- Support Nevada schools and universities to promote the practice of landscape architecture.
- Continue to be a self-sustaining Board without state monetary support. The Board to remain solvent and healthy, with adequate funding to carry on Board functions through annual license renewal fees.
- Update test questions and administer the Nevada specific exam section.
- Approve qualified candidates for licensure and reciprocity in a consistent, fair and timely manner.
- Continue to communicate with the Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Board (CLARB) on national licensing requirements.
Goal 3- Maintain an office and staff per the requirements of the Attorney General's Office and NRS regulations.
- The Board to keep informed on the latest rules and guidelines from the state to ensure compliance.
- Provide a timely response to all licensee requests for reports and information.
- The Board to maintain a list of enforcement officers to report and investigate complaints.
Goal 4- Keep a current web site for licensee, candidate and public communication.
- Include a current strategic plan, an updated path to licensure, educational programs, Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Board (CLARB) updates and Board contact information.
- Develop and maintain a continuing education requirement for licensees.
- At a minimum, provide quarterly updates to the website. Encourage Board member and licensee posts to the site. Coordinate with the State on a website update schedule.
- Develop and maintain lines of communication with the Nevada Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (NVASLA).
Goal 5- Remain proactive and strategic to successfully navigate future legislation that affects the Board.
- Maintain good working relationships with related boards, professional groups (American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), National Landscape Association (NLA), American Institute of Architects (AIA), engineer's board, contractor's board, other related associations), legislative members and the Attorney General's Office.
- Develop methods of payments that meet with current economic practices and the marketplace.
- Board members to stay current by attending seminars on ethics, open meeting laws and other educational courses as required by legislation.
- Identify and retain qualified and enthusiastic board members for long term continuity.
Goal 6- Review this strategic plan every three years or as necessary to stay updated, current and relevant.
- The plan should reflect local, regional and national trends, ideas and policy revisions focusing on societal, regulatory and landscape architectural shifts.
- Develop and maintain a working relationship with allied professional boards.
- The plan must remain consistent with the plans prepared by related professions, the American Society of Landscape Architects, Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Board, State Board of Architecture, State Board of Engineers, State Contactor's Board, State and Local Building and Planning Departments.
Board Accomplishments
- Complied with the requirements for an office open to the public per the standards set by the Attorney General's office.
- Hired a new Executive Director with experience and knowledge of the profession.
- Began development of a Strategic Plan.
- Worked towards the establishment of a continuing education program.
- Worked with Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Board (CLARB) on world and national regulation and trends, and how those may affect Nevada in the future.
- Participated in Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Board (CLARB) annual meetings and webinars.
- Continued development of Nevada specific exam questions.
- Continued to develop updated Nevada specific exam questions.
- Implemented Continuing Education requirements for license renewals beginning July 1, 2019.
- Participated in Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Board (CLARB) annual meetings.
- Adopted the Strategic Plan as Board policy November 1, 2019.